Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Father Jacob's Message on Developing Intimacy With God

As always, Father Jacob, or Father J as we fondly known him from students' days, shared with much zeal and enthusiasm - his usual way and charisma, typical of a soldier's style (since he was an ex-army).

Father J's message on developing intimacy with God is as simple as ABC. Indeed ABC - A: ask in prayer, B - Bible reading everyday, C - Church attendance. He is one who lives out his message more than preaches out his message.

I was particularly challenged by his waking up everyday 5.30 am, when hearing the azan for the Muslims to pray, he also wakes up to pray. It is always easy to start something, but to persist and to do it everyday is the real challenge. Don't believe? Try reading the entire bible in a year.

Do I find it a routine sometimes when I discipline myself to complete the bible reading in a year? Yes indeed. There are times when I feel it is more of a chore to read through, but that is part and parcel of disciplining ourselves.

I am also very challenged when he said something like rain or shine, holiday or no holiday, he must read his bible for that day before starting his work. Without finish reading what he has to read, he will not start. Can we learn from him? An ex-army has shown the way, and the way may be tough, but in the end, it is worth it...for the more you get to know God, the more He reveals Himself to you.

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