Saturday, October 10, 2009

Six lessons I learned today from the life of John Maxwell

While reviewing Chapter 5 of John C. Maxwell's 2010 book (available for reading online currently), I learned great truths from a rare life story of John as told by Charlie Wetzel [someone who has worked personally with John for quite a long time].

From that piece, I learned six lessons.

Six lessons I learned today from the life of John Maxwell:

1. Be generous with your praise to others where praise is due

2. No matter how bad someone has performed, there is always something positive you can affirm him for. Be on the lookout for his strength.

3. Be real and authentic - let others know that you are aware of your weaknesses and you are just as human as they are

4. Be humble - there is always lessons you can learn from others no matter who they are

5. Empower others. I do not need to micro-manage. Give others the space for them to develop the potential that they have inside them.

6. Treat each speaking engagement, or for that matter, any job assignment, seriously and with respect. Do your homework.

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