Saturday, September 18, 2010

Four Fallacies That Destroy a Leader

Perry Noble the founding and senior pastor of NewSpring Church in Anderson, Columbia, Florence and Greenville, S.C. wrote this article in Christian Post. Here are the four fallacies he talks about:

1. “I Cannot…”
The fallacy of this thought is, the One who called me, is the Most High God. The One who calls will equip the called.

2. “I Am Not As Good As…”
Perry Noble said:
"Comparing yourself to other ministers and/or ministries is one of the quickest ways to go insane and completely lose your focus on who God is and what He has called you to do. We should learn from “them” but focus on HIM!"

3. “I Failed Before”
Failures do not define a great leader. A great leader failed before, but they learn from their mistakes, pick up the pieces and move on!

4. “All Hope Is Gone”
"The only problem with that thought is THE TOMB IS EMPTY…and as long as that is a reality then there is always hope…ALWAYS!" said Perry Noble.

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